RVA's newest coffee roaster will pour his specialty coffee and answer questions about this, the 'third wave of coffee'. As Ironclad founder Ryan says:
“Specialty coffee is, in truth, a luxury. For those of us who have a fervent love for coffee, however, we have elevated it to a near necessity. With that always in mind, I believe coffee should be treated in such a way that only the best green (raw) coffees from the best farms are selected by the roaster; only the highest standards of research, roasting, and testing should be employed to unlock the very best of what each coffee contains; and those freshly roasted coffees should be delivered to every customer with an ‘ironclad’ promise of consistency and reliability. To do anything less undermines the lofty level at which we’ve placed specialty coffee in the 21st century.
“When you purchase something from an artisan, you’re buying more than a product. You’re acquiring countless hours of errors and experimentation. You’re buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You’re not purchasing just one thing; rather, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul. A small piece of someone else’s life.”